I can't tell you how many times I've gone into a store and seen something Elijah just had to have only to get it home and he finds the ceiling fan more interesting. No baby is the same and you will never know what your baby will like. Before buying these 'must haves' yourself, try them out on some one else's dime. Try borrowing them from your friends first. Daycares are also a good source. They usually have most of the common items. let your baby try them out while they're away at daycare. I recently was considering buying an excersaucer for Elijah. I wasn't sure if he would like it or even if he was ready for it. I had the daycare teacher put him in it. Glad I did, he did not like it. I'm having her try it again after a few weeks. - This reminds me... never get rid of anything your child doesn't like. Keep trying it, oneday your picky prince may surprise you.
Menswear Take
1 year ago
Great tips!!! P did not like her swing, then she was too big for it! Love the blog design! Keep it up.
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